Thyroid Disorders and Therapy


Thyroid Disorders and Therapy


Thyroid Disorders and Therapy, is a peer-reviewed online journal with 3 Issues print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs. The journal’s full text is available online at The journal is published with support from Abbott India Ltd, and Abbott India Ltd agrees to purchase and distribute copies of the journal to health care professionals in India as a service to Medical profession.

Submit Manuscript

Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy - Open Access using online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems of Longdom Publishing for quality and quick review processing.

Longdom Publishing is using Online Review and Editorial Tracking Systems for the quality review process. Editorial Tracking System is an online submission and review system, where authors can submit manuscripts and track their progress. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process. Publishers can see what manuscripts are in the pipeline awaiting publication. E-mail is sent automatically to concerned persons when significant events occur.Submit manuscript at [email protected][email protected][email protected] or you can submit through

Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the

respective manuscript submitted.

  • 21 day rapid review process with international peer-review standards.
  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 45 days.
  • Manuscript will be published within 7days of acceptance.


Manuscripts are subjected to rigorous peer review, where acclaimed scientists that are part of the editorial board are involved in this process to add value to the research findings. The impartial and transparent review process ensures the highest publication standards.

The entire editorial process at “Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy” is ergonomic and streamlined. The processing time for a manuscript is optimal and the authors can ripe the advantage of advance online publication, enhancing the author visibility and improved citations.

 Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy, provides the rapid quarterly publication of articles in all areas related to Thyroid test, Hyperthyroidism, Hyperthyroidism Symptoms, TSH Test, Levothyroxine, Thyroid Cancer, Hypothyroidism Symptoms, Thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid Disorders & Thyroid Therapy, Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance.

As a member of Publisher International linking Association, PILA, Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy (of Longdom Publishing) follows the Creative Commons Attribution License and Scholars Open Access publishing policies.

Submit manuscript as an attachment to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or you can submit via

Media Contact:

Denise Williams
Journal Manager
Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +1-504-608-2390.