Medical Palaeopathology


Journal of Forensic Pathology is an multidisciplinary journal that publishes original work with regard to various scientific disciplines pertaining to forensic sciences. The journal focuses on the current advancements in the field of forensic science and criminology and provides reliable information regarding the developments in forensic science.

This part of journals is delighted to accept Research Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Mini- Reviews, Opinions, Letter to Editors Etc., focused on Forensic science and Crime Investigation.

The journal covers all the legal aspects from all the disciplines of forensic science. Major subject areas of interest in forensic science include, but are not restricted to the following fields: Forensic Biology, Forensic Accounting, DNA Profiling, Forensic Archaeology Forensic Chemistry  etc

We accepts your manuscripts which are related to Forensic and Crime Investigation at or or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected]